Please read our terms and conditions carefully before finalizing your hotel booking at the Hotel Anwesha. Once you have made any booking with us, you accept and agree with all terms and conditions set out below. The terms and conditions are all standard to the industry. If you do not accept terms and conditions below, please exit . You must be at least 18 years of age to use to enter in to a binding agreement of hotel reservations.
Information on the website and Disclaimer Terms
Although great care has been taken to ensure the information provided online is correct and updated, kindly note that will not guarantee the information is presented correctly. Therefore, please note that Hotel Anwesha and its subsidiary associates, agents, representatives or licensors will not be liable for any inconveniences, loss of revenue or any damages of any nature, which result from the direct or indirect use of any information provided on our website or by making a reservation on this website. We make every effort to keep the information contained in our website as current and up to date as possible. However, we do not make guarantees of any kind that the rates and hotels listed will be available at the time of bookings.
By making a reservation on this website, you hereby agree to indemnify and waive against any type of claims against Hotel Anwesha and its subsidiary agents, representatives or licensors, arising from direct or indirect use of all of our websites, email campaigns or online advertisements, banners, hotel booking engine and pre-arrival information to the customers.
If you feel that particular information has not been provided, please do not hesitate to contact us and we will rectify or will provide the information required without delay. The star classification is based on guest comments and is variable from hotel to hotel. The star classification indicated in each hotel is a guideline of the standards provided in the hotels. The hotels will not be responsible for any variation in star classification which may change from time to time without further notice. All technical information relating to the grade/star rating of the hotels or the hotel's product terminology specifications can be addressed to the hotel contact directly at [email protected]
Warranty Disclaimer
Please note that you are using at your own risk and we do not warranty about any information what so ever on this website. We will advise you that you should check all information provided on this website and you are welcome to ask any clarification about any information by directly contacting [email protected] . All links provided on are as guide lines only and we have not verified such links. All links provided shall only be construed as guide lines only and will not take any responsibility of the accuracy of the contents of those links. Therefore, please verify the information on the links and website directly from the source by email to meet your satisfaction.
The bookings will only be undertaken by Direct Deposit to the bank/Fund Transfer, valid until the date of departure from the hotel. The Direct Deposit to the bank/Fund Transfer details will be passed directly to the hotel to guarantee your booking.
Group Reservations
Please contact us only via phone with full requirements i.e. Rooms, Meals,
City Tours etc. at +91 9434115470.
Copy Rights and Trade Mark
All rights reserved for trade mark and contents of this website by